The Garbage Pick-Up Application, Is Increasingly Rise, Let’s Read More Info Here!

Indonesia’s beautiful sea is now full of trash
“Indonesia is a waste emergency!”. This sentence does not feel wrong if it is pinned to Indonesia as much as 68 million tons of waste is generated every day. And what’s worse, a lot of this garbage that ends up in our oceans, that’s very bad, isn’t it? Even Indonesia has been named as the second largest contributor of plastic waste to the sea in the world after China. This means that the problem of waste is not trivial, but rather homework that we have to solve together.The government as a policy maker needs to embrace relevant agencies and society in general.
The government has made several efforts to address this waste problem, such as banning single-use plastics in modern retails and in restaurants. Likewise with environmental activists who carry out many activities to make people aware of the current waste problem. Although has not had an significant impact, these activities have started to raise awareness of the waste problem. This is evidenced by the increasing number of people sorting their waste. Not only the public, currently there are many applications that care about waste, such as the garbage bank application and the garbage pick-up application.
Friends of Kompis are certainly curious about these two types of applications? Come on, see the following explanation.

Save trash to get gold through the Kompis application
Garbage Bank Application and Garbage Pick-Up Application to Solve Garbage Problems
The garbage bank application is an application made to make it easier for people to find the closest garbage bank to the location where they live. This waste bank service is available in Kompis application. In general, it looks the same as other applications but the advantage is that Kompis also connects waste banks with collectors. It’s fun? So it’s not only Kompis Friends who can find the nearest garbage bank, but also the garbage bank can find collectors who want to buy the garbage that has been collected.
Curious about how the waste bank works? it’s really easy, first of all Kompis Friends must sort the non-organic waste that is produced at home, business premises or institutions. It is very easy to separate non-organic waste because it is divided into plastic, paper, cardboard, cans, pure iron, aluminum, and others. After all sorted out, Kompis Friends can find the nearest waste bank through the Kompis application. After that, Kompis Friends just needs to exchange the sorted waste to the nearest garbage bank. How easy is it, Kompis Friends.
In return, you will get a balance according to the amount and type of waste being exchanged. This is exciting, besides being able to withdraw the balance in the form of money, it can also be saved as gold! Wow, so saving trash can get gold. Alternatively, the Kompis Friends balance can also be used to pay bills such as PLN, BPJS, PDAM, internet, and credit. If this is the case, you will benefit a lot from trash.
In addition, the Kompis application will display transparently all Kompis Buddy activities at the relevant waste bank. So you don’t need to worry about the trash savings book that might be lost or the difference in the scales in Kompis Buddy’s trash.

Just push the application, from garbage can turn into gold
Apart from the garbage bank application, there is also a garbage pick-up application. The garbage pick-up application is made to make it easier for Kompis Friends who have been sorting out non-organic waste to be deposited into the waste bank. Not all waste banks have this facility, but with the Kompis application we can check the nearest garbage bank that serves garbage pick-ups.This garbage pick-up application is usually a facility from a waste bank.
This garbage pick-up application procedure will be a little different when compared to coming directly to the garbage bank. If we come directly to the waste bank, we can bring whatever non-organic waste we have. But in the garbage pick-up application there is a minimum weight that must be met so that our trash can be picked up. What is certain is that this garbage pick-up application makes it really easy. So for Kompis Friends who are sorting or already sorting trash at home or business, you don’t need to bother depositing it in the garbage bank anymore. Believe me, saving trash for gold will be a tantalizing and of course interesting side!!
Garbage is our collective and personal responsibility. Apart from saving the environment from damage, sorting waste has its own economic value. Who would have thought that trash that we thought was disgusting could make money and even gold. So let’s start sorting the trash, what are you waiting for, download Kompis application on your Android phone and get the gold!